VK468-D – Residential Domed Concealed Pendent Sprinkler (K4.9)

Reference: VK468-D-Residential

Viking Freedom® Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinkler VK468 is a small high sensitivity glass bulb residential sprinkler for use with a domed cover assembly.  The orifice design, with a K-Factor of 4.9 (70.6 metric*), allows the sprinkler’s efficient use of available water supplies for the hydraulically designed fire-protection system.  The Model VK468-D is pre-assembled with a threaded adapter for installation with the domed cover that provides up to ½” (13 mm) of vertical adjustment.  The cover plate is available with several decorative finishes to meet design requirements. The two-piece design allows installation and testing of the sprinkler prior to installation of the cover plate. The “push-on”, “thread-off” design of the concealed cover plate assembly allows easy installation of the cover plate after the system has been tested and the ceiling finish has been applied.




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